Doctor en Ciencias en Desarrollo de Productos Bióticos del Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México, Máster en Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos en la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro e Ingeniero Agroindustrial de la Universidad La Gran Colombia de Armenia. Investigador en el área de ingredientes funcionales y nutraceúticos, caracterización fisicoquímica de biopolímeros y aprovechamiento de subproductos agroindustriales.
Con 17 publicaciones en revistas internacionales, 1 capítulo de libro. Participación en siete (7) congresos académicos relacionados con la transformación y generación de valor en el sector agropecuario nacional e internacional.
Par evaluador de artículo científicos en Revistas Internacionales como LWT- de la editorial Elsevier, Starch-Staerke de la editorial Wiley, Journal of Dispersion Sciences and Technology de la editorial Taylor and Francis, y de la revista SN Applied Sciences de la editorial Springer Nature.
Investigador Junior categorizado por MinCiencias.
Publicaciones recientes:
- Effect of drying process of esterified plantain starch on sorption, thermodynamic and shelf-life characteristics. Javier Hoyos-Leyva, Luis Arturo Bello-Pérez, Andrés Chávez-Salazar, Francisco Javier Castellanos-Galeano &Cristina Álvarez-Barreto. 2020. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 42(1), 132-140.
- Microencapsulation of anthocyanins from roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) and its application on a pigment supplied diet to fantail goldfish (Carassius auratus). Vanegas-Espinoza, P.E., Pérez-Escalante, V., Aguirre-Guzman, G., Hoyos-Leyva, J.D., Del Villar-Martínez, A.A. 2019. Aquaculture International, 26 (7), 1801-1811.
- Characterization of spray drying microencapsulation of almond oil into taro starch spherical aggregates. Hoyos-Leyva, J. D., Bello-Perez, L. A., Agama-Acevedo, J. E., Alvarez-Ramirez, J., & Jaramillo-Echeverry, L. M. 2019. LWT, 101, 526-533.
- Optimization of the Spray Drying Process of the Esterified Plantain Starch by Response Surface Methodology. Chávez‐Salazar, A., Castellanos‐Galeano, F. J., Álvarez‐Barreto, C. I., Bello‐Pérez, L. A., Cortés‐Rodríguez, M., & Hoyos‐Leyva, J. D. 2019. Starch‐Stärke.
- Potential of taro starch spherical aggregates as wall material for spray drying microencapsulation: Functional, physical and thermal properties. Hoyos-Leyva, J., Bello-Pérez, L. A., Agama-Acevedo, E., & Alvarez-Ramirez, J. 2018. International journal of biological macromolecules, 120, 237-244.
- Physical and chemical stability of l -ascorbic acid microencapsulated into taro starch spherical aggregates by spray drying. J.D. Hoyos-Leyva, A. Chávez-Salazar, F. Castellanos-Galeano, L.A. Bello-Perez y J. Alvarez-Ramirez. 2018. Food Hydrocolloids, 83, 143-152.
- Thermodynamic analysis for assessing the physical stability of core materials microencapsulated in taro starch spherical aggregates. Javier D. Hoyos-Leyva, Luis A. Bello-Pérez, Edith Agama-Acevedo, J. Alvarez-Ramirez. Carbohydrate Polymers, 197, 431-441.
- Thermodynamic criteria analysis for the use of taro starch spherical aggregates as microencapsulant matrix. J.D. Hoyos-Leyva, L.A. Bello-Pérez, J. Alvarez-Ramirez. 2018. Food Chemistry, 259, 175-180.
- Microencapsulation using starch as wall material: a review. Javier D. Hoyos-Leyva, Luis A. Bello-Pérez, J. Alvarez-Ramírez, Hugo S. García. 2018. Food Reviews International, 34(2), 148-161.
- Characteristics of starch from opaque and translucent perisperm of amaranth (a. Hypochondriacus) grains. L.A. Bello-Perez, S.L. Rodriguez-Ambriz, J.D. Hoyos-Leyva, E. Agama-Acevedo, G. Pacheco-Vargas, J. Alvarez-Ramirez. 2018. Starch/Staerke, doi.org/10.1002/star.201700260.
- Development of foods high in slowly digestible and resistant starch. L.A. Bello-Perez, J.D Hoyos-Leyva. 2017 En: Starch in Food: Structure, Function and Applications: Second Edition, Capítulo 26, 827-853.
- Morphological, physicochemical, and functional characteristics of starch from Marantha ruiziana koern. J.D. Hoyos-Leyva, L. Alonso-Gomez, J. Rueda-Enciso, H. Yee-Madeira, L.A. Bello-Perez. 2017. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 83, 150-156.
- Structural characterization of aroid starches by means of chromatographic techniques. Javier D. Hoyos-Leyva, Luis A. Bello-Pérez, J. Alvarez-Ramirez, Edith Agama-Acevedo. 2017. Food Hydrocolloids, 69: 97-102.
- Characterization of the flour and starch of aroid cultivars grown in Mexico. J.D. Hoyos-Leyva, L.A. Bello-Perez, H. Yee-Madeira, M. Rodriguez-Garcia, A. Aguirre-Cruz. 2017. Starch/Staerke, 69(9-10), 1600370.
- Assessing the structural stability of gluten-free snacks with different dietary fiber contents from adsorption isotherms. J.D. Hoyos-Leyva, E. Agama-Acevedo, L.A. Bello-Perez, E.J. Vernon-Carter, J. Alvarez-Ramirez. 2016. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 73: 576-583.
- Optimising the heat moisture treatment of morado banana starch by response surface analysis. Javier D. Hoyos-Leyva, Luis A. Bello-Pérez, Edith Agama-Acevedo and José Alvarez-Ramirez. 2015. Starch/Starke, 67:1026-1034.